Thursday, November 5, 2020

And Then There Was Homer

      For those of you just skimming through, Homer is my sourdough starter. What is sourdough starter you say? Flour and water. That’s it. Oh and a whole bunch of yeast. The magical little organisms that bring the starter to life. The little critters that make your bread rise up and say Hallelujah! Not the yeast you buy in little packets from the store, but the yeast that’s naturally already in the flour or perhaps floating through the air. The same exact method used for hundreds or probably thousands of years. Long before one could go to the local Piggly Wiggly and buy it this was how it was done. 

     By mixing approximately equal parts water and flour (ideally by weight) into a goopy mix and simply letting it sit out at room temperature for a few days, one then has the makings for the most amazing bread you’ve ever sunk your teeth into. 


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