Saturday, July 27, 2024

I’m Back…

 I may have just set a new record. At least for my self. I have not posted anything in approximately eleven years. I just did not see the point. But as I sit here in the back of my truck, both bored and frankly quite stressed, I figured why the hell not? 

My latest nomadic journey has lasted a bit over two months. I’ve been jumping from free campground to free campground with weekly stops in to town for supplies. And to be perfectly honest it has become somewhat tiresome. Not knowing where to go next, when my funds will run out, what’s going to happen around the corner… and surprisingly to me, not having anybody to talk to, has been eating away at my well being. Being a severely introverted individual this came as quite a shock.

Now I believe I have come to the proverbial crossroads. In another couple days I’ll be driving back to town to not only resupply but to look at an apartment. And it really scares the crap out of me. The thought of committing to a year long lease for what will essentially be a shitty little hole in the wall all the while not knowing if the new job that would start shortly after moving in will work out… well, the whole situation has got me thinking I should just keep on driving. 

But I surely won’t be able to support myself from blogging, so I really am not sure what to do. For now I ll just stop blathering away and post a few purdy pictures of my travels so far….um, once I get back to civilization and the land of WiFi. 

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