Monday, November 2, 2020

Is it all worth it?


Is it all worth it? That is the question of the millennium. Am I referring to living on the road out of my pickup (that would be Goldie) or the writing of this blog? Yet another fantastic question. 

Hitting the road was absolutely worth it. At least to me. I don’t think I had any other choice. Both my physical and mental health were suffering and the only remedy I saw after exhausting all other options was to remove myself from the cause of my ill health, namely stress. Since I decided to take action my health has vastly improved. Something I was previously unable to accomplish after decades of failed attempts. So, score one for the nomadic lifestyle. Will I choose to roam on a permanent basis? Probably not. Now that I am feeling better the goal is to find a place to land that doesn’t reverse all the progress I’ve made. 
 As far as this blog goes... that remains to be seen. That’s all for now. Peace out everybody. Have a wonderful night. And go make some sourdough! ✌️🐾

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