Saturday, July 27, 2024

I’m Back…

 I may have just set a new record. At least for my self. I have not posted anything in approximately eleven years. I just did not see the point. But as I sit here in the back of my truck, both bored and frankly quite stressed, I figured why the hell not? 

My latest nomadic journey has lasted a bit over two months. I’ve been jumping from free campground to free campground with weekly stops in to town for supplies. And to be perfectly honest it has become somewhat tiresome. Not knowing where to go next, when my funds will run out, what’s going to happen around the corner… and surprisingly to me, not having anybody to talk to, has been eating away at my well being. Being a severely introverted individual this came as quite a shock.

Now I believe I have come to the proverbial crossroads. In another couple days I’ll be driving back to town to not only resupply but to look at an apartment. And it really scares the crap out of me. The thought of committing to a year long lease for what will essentially be a shitty little hole in the wall all the while not knowing if the new job that would start shortly after moving in will work out… well, the whole situation has got me thinking I should just keep on driving. 

But I surely won’t be able to support myself from blogging, so I really am not sure what to do. For now I ll just stop blathering away and post a few purdy pictures of my travels so far….um, once I get back to civilization and the land of WiFi. 

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

New Addition To My Tiny Home

 Weather has cleared up so I took advantage of it yesterday and started building my tiny kitchen inside the truck. Still a little more work to do after I head back to civilization for supplies. Then after next move, I’ll start rebuilding my bed. Just like a big house, the work never ends! 😄✌️

Saturday, November 7, 2020

Storm is a Brewing!

 Camped out in Arizona and the wind is starting to get mighty fierce... I think that might be a movie 🤔

Anyways, rain should be coming shortly. I expect I’ll be holed up in the truck for a couple of days with the pooch. Once the weather clears I need to continue with the build. I already bought the wood to make a counter/cabinet to hold my stove and a sink. Maybe by Tuesday or Wednesday. 

Also need to wake up Homer. Haven’t fed him in a while. But he’s proven to be one tough and resilient little sourdough. I fully expect to be having some of my trademark Roadtrip Biscuit-Flapjacks before next weekend. 

Thursday, November 5, 2020

And Then There Was Homer

      For those of you just skimming through, Homer is my sourdough starter. What is sourdough starter you say? Flour and water. That’s it. Oh and a whole bunch of yeast. The magical little organisms that bring the starter to life. The little critters that make your bread rise up and say Hallelujah! Not the yeast you buy in little packets from the store, but the yeast that’s naturally already in the flour or perhaps floating through the air. The same exact method used for hundreds or probably thousands of years. Long before one could go to the local Piggly Wiggly and buy it this was how it was done. 

     By mixing approximately equal parts water and flour (ideally by weight) into a goopy mix and simply letting it sit out at room temperature for a few days, one then has the makings for the most amazing bread you’ve ever sunk your teeth into. 


Monday, November 2, 2020

Is it all worth it?


Is it all worth it? That is the question of the millennium. Am I referring to living on the road out of my pickup (that would be Goldie) or the writing of this blog? Yet another fantastic question. 

Hitting the road was absolutely worth it. At least to me. I don’t think I had any other choice. Both my physical and mental health were suffering and the only remedy I saw after exhausting all other options was to remove myself from the cause of my ill health, namely stress. Since I decided to take action my health has vastly improved. Something I was previously unable to accomplish after decades of failed attempts. So, score one for the nomadic lifestyle. Will I choose to roam on a permanent basis? Probably not. Now that I am feeling better the goal is to find a place to land that doesn’t reverse all the progress I’ve made. 
 As far as this blog goes... that remains to be seen. That’s all for now. Peace out everybody. Have a wonderful night. And go make some sourdough! ✌️🐾

Saturday, October 31, 2020

Happy Halloween 🎃

 Ok, it’s my first holiday living on the road (aka being homeless, aka being a bum) and so other than this short post, I do believe I will take the day off. From writing that is. I will continue to uphold my most important obligations to laziness and non-productivity. And walking the pooch 🐾

Peace out everybody... that would be the two or three people that accidentally land on this blog from day to day. No illusions of grandeur from this hack writer! 

Friday, October 30, 2020

Sourdough On The Go


     Ok, I suppose I should talk about Homer, the sourdough, for just a bit. I’ve been intrigued by sourdough for quite some time. A friend asked me once why did I want to make it, and honestly I didn’t have a good answer at the time. Still don’t. It can be tedious and time consuming. It’s wrought with failure and well hell, it’s a lot easier to go to the damn store and buy a loaf for a couple bucks! 

     But when you taste a piece of fresh homemade sourdough bread... it’s like comparing the best pizza you’ve ever had to frozen. There is no comparison! And it’s healthier too!! 

     I suppose it was something to do. Like a science experiment. Or climbing a mountain. Getting in touch with history, doing something the same way our ancestors would have done it. You’re creating something. Something living and dare I say breathing and reproducing. It’s kind of like a pet. One must take care of it , feed and nurture it. Make sure it doesn’t get too hot or too cold. I mean its not rocket science. It’s really quite simple. Just mix flour and water. That’s it. But the end result if done correctly is nothing less than magical.